YSBD Theatre Academy Free Trial Day
We had our free trial on Sunday 26th April and are very proud to say it was a huge success. Lots of talented, smiling faces turned up to all classes and performed their own presentaions for family and friends at the end.
What they were able to achieve with our fabulous members of staff, in such a short space of time, was phenomenal. With full dance routines, two/three part harmony songs, improvisation and script work, we couldn’t have been more proud of everyone who attended.
We are so excited for the start of term next week.
Our theme is ‘AT THE MOVIES’!
Classes will be exploring those oscar winning films and scores learning a variety of routines, vocal arrangemnets and scriptwork to perform for family and friends in our presentation at the end of term. Looking at different dance styles, genres of music and acting techniques, children will be able to develop new skills and an understanding of the different techiques to create a show stopping performance.
For pictures of our free trial please visit our gallery page.
There’s still time to sign up for the term. Email info@ysbd.co.uk for more more information and to book your place.
Hope to see you there!