We have ‘eggciting’ Easter news …….
We are delighted to announce our first West End Workshop teacher JAMIE JUKES who will work with our Main School students this summer term. Jamie will host a ‘Bat out of Hell’ workshop with our inter and senior students and a ‘Joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat’ workshop with our juniors. We cannot wait!
Training: Jamie trained at Arts Educational Schools, Tring Park, and then went on to do musical theatre at the Guildford School of Acting, where he received a BA (hons).
Theatre: Markevitch (cover Falco, cover Jagwire) Bat out of hell international tour. Robin Hood, Robin Hood panto, Harlow playhouse. Jim Hawkins, Treasure island panto, Harlow playhouse . ensemble/cover Frank/Brad/Rocky in the European tour of The Rocky Horror Picture Show; prior to that, he played the part of Pitti-Sing in Sasha Regans All Male The Mikado (UK tour); before that, he appeared as Peter Pan in Stockport Plaza’s panto of Peter Pan, produced by Extravaganza.
Jamie was also cover Joseph and cover Narrator and swing in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (UK tour); he was a lead vocalist in Musical Starnights (European tour); soloist in The West End Men (Vaudeville Theatre); he also played George Robinson in Sincerely, Mr Toad (UK tour/Edinburgh Fringe), produced by Selladoor; he was ensemble in Paul Taylor-Mills’ production of Rent (Greenwich Theatre); Prince Charming in Polka Dot Pantomimes’ Cinderella at the Thameside Theatre; and ensemble and understudy Ralph in HMS Pinafore (King’s Head Theatre and Battersea Barge).
Jamie was lucky enough to travel the world as a lead vocalist on P&O’s Arcadia (Headliners); before that, he was understudy Ugly Sister and ensemble in Cinderella (Evolution Pantomimes) and soloist at the Dora Bryan charity gala (Her Majesty’s Theatre).
We cannot wait to welcome Jamie to the YSBD studios and look forward to this wonderful West End experience.
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